Welcome to Grove Park, Atlanta

Grove PArk Strong.

The Grove Park Neighborhood Association (GPNA) is a volunteer-led nonprofit organization representing the interests of all residents, businesses and nonprofit organizations. There are no barriers to membership for Grove Park residents. Our members include businesses, nonprofit organizations serving the community, and residents, some of whose families have lived in Grove Park for generations. We are an official neighborhood organization registered with the City of Atlanta and the State of Georgia, and we are located in Neighborhood Planning Unit J.

WE meet every 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 PM

See our New hybrid Schedule

January - June: In-person/Hybrid

July: No meeting

August: Neighbor’s Night Out

September - November: In-person/Hybrid

December: No meeting

Join us for our General Body Meeting on the second Tuesday of each month for a hybrid (in-person w/ virtual option) meeting.

How To Join Us

In Person/Hybrid

Paradise Baptist Church 1711 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 at 7:00 PM. Attendees are encouraged to take all comfortable safety precautions including social distancing. Light snacks will be provided!

Virtual (Optional) - Register

To register and receive an invite, visit bit.ly/groveparkatlanta .

To stay connected, follow our Facebook page and join our group.

View streams here: >Live Stream Here<

What’s On The Agenda

Our meeting agenda is filled every month with informative presentations, community updates and announcements. A link to the agenda may be found here ( the agenda is updated 24 hours prior to the scheduled monthly meeting).

Our Committees

GPNA Committees serve as the foundation of the Neighborhood Association, offering an excellent opportunity for community engagement.

  • The Beautification and Sustainability Committee is dedicated to preserving the beautification of the Grove Park Neighborhood. Learn More...

  • The Communications Committee is responsible for member communications, the monthly newsletter, and all social media platforms to share community info. Learn More...

  • We offer adult learning resources and training opportunities, promoting ongoing learning and professional development. Learn More...

  • The Events Committee is responsible for planning and organizing engaging community events that foster social interaction and strengthen neighborhood bonds. Learn More...

  • GPG is dedicated to serving the elderly and legacy residents of th community and fight displacement in our neighborhood by providing critical repairs to low-income elderly neighbors' homes, and fundraising to cover the costs of the repairs. Learn More...

  • The Quality of Life Committee is dedicated to enhancing the overall well-being of community members. It addresses various aspects of daily life, working together to create a healthier neighborhood for all. Learn More…

  • The zoning and public safety committee regulates matters before the neighborhood regarding special alcohol licenses, variance changes, and events permitting. It also provides updates to the community about the status of public safety matters. Learn More...

Upcoming events.

Neighborhood events are a great way to meet your neighbors and stay involved in what’s going on! Committee meetings are open to all members, so feel free to pop in on one. If it’s on the calendar, you don’t need a special invitation: you’re invited!

Take Action


Follow Us On Social @GroveParkAtlanta

New to the Neighborhood?

Welcome to the Grove Park Neighborhood in Atlanta, GA! We are thrilled to have you as part of our vibrant and diverse community. As you settle into your new home, we hope you will find comfort in the warmth and friendliness of your neighbors and the charm of our beautiful surroundings.

Not sure where to start? Use the buttons below to get familiar with Grove Park and our Neighbor Association.