Elections at GPNA

Every year we make room for new leaders in the community to help push our mission forward. Our GPNA Elections take place in November each year.

Learn about The Positions

  • The President or his/her designee shall preside over all Monthly and Special Meetings and perform all administrative duties as required by the office, including preparing an agenda for Monthly Meetings. The President shall act as "Spokesperson" for GPNA in all matters pertaining to its business but should not commit GPNA to any business or express any viewpoint for GPNA that has not first been approved by the GPNA membership. The President shall be authorized to disburse funds as described in Article XII. When serving his or her second term, the President shall be responsible for creating a succession plan for the organization.

  • The Vice President shall preside over the standing committees, assist the President, act for the President when the President is unable to serve, and assume all duties as agreed except for disbursal of funds.

  • The Treasurer shall keep the official financial records and supporting documents of all income and expenses for GPNA and provide an updated financial statement at each Monthly Meeting. The Treasurer shall be authorized to receive monies and sign disbursements for GPNA. The Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring that all disbursements have had prior approval by the Membership if the disbursement exceeds $100.00, except in the case of emergency (any act that might compromise the official standing of GPNA or danger to life or property). The Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial report and the IRS form 990 or 990EZ e-postcard tax filing for the previous fiscal year due to the IRS by May 15th of the following year unless outside representation on tax matters is sought by the Board. The Treasurer shall keep and maintain an accurate and ongoing record of the GPNA's financial transactions on financial or bookkeeping software purchased by GPNA.

  • The Secretary shall be the custodian of all records except those assigned explicitly within these by-laws to others. The Secretary shall take and report to the GPNA membership minutes of all Monthly Meetings, Special Meetings, and the Board of Directors' meetings. The Secretary shall keep an attendance list of each meeting to include members, non-member residents, presenters, and any other guests, shall maintain a list of eligible voting members, and may also assist the President with correspondence. The Secretary shall coordinate and prepare an annual activity report.

  • This role is named, but not currently defined by our bylaws. During the November meeting, members discussed having these roles focus on stabilizing the organization and refining infrastructure.

2025 GPNA Election Candidates


  • Dorothy Woods (Incumbent)

  • Tim Freeman

  • Lauren Smith

Vice PResident:

  • LaTonya Johnston


  • Tom Zolot


  • Zedd Chisholm

Board Member:

  • Zedd Chisholm

  • Brandon Pierre-Thomas

  • Justine Veal

  • Akiem Williams


To Vote in the GPNA Election you must be a Due Paying member. If you need to become a member first signup here before voting. Voting will be available during the meeting JAN 14th 7 PM EST.